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Yoga Teacher & Fitness Expert

In 2014, I started formal yoga and somatics training with Navtej Johar, at Studio Abhyas; and in 2018, became a certified yoga teacher in the tradition of Sh TKV Desikacharya.

While incorporating principles of Yoga, breathwork, and discipline, utilizing the same for anxiety alleviation, confidence building, and stress relief. I utilize my teaching skills to guide my students on the path to good health and wellbeing. Continual periodic retraining helped me in furthering my technical abilities and educated me on various lineages of yoga,

For me, whereas training implies “doing”, I see yoga as “happening”, i.e. practice in which things begin to happen on their own, when, as Desikacharya says, “the body, breath, mind and something more are calibrated to work in tandem”. In his yoga training he uses breath, sound, movement, attention and asana to bring ease within the body and mind. Though initially I came to yoga looking for flexibility and ways of calming the mind, today I find it to be to be aligned within, stop destructive thought patterns and connect with nature.

TRX certified, I include movement, weights, balls, straps and equipment in my training. I believe in striking a trusting and safe relationship with the equipment for full body-mind coordination as well as core engagement.

Rakul Rana Studio aims at giving holistic development to the self. It is a venture that is the culmination of understanding and training in this sector. Its vision is to enable a healthier lifestyle and promote a culture of wellness, discipline, and rigor that are essential to wholesomeness and all-encompassing growth. The body and the mind are fine-tuned to have a healthy approach to life.

I care deeply about my clients, and there’s nothing of more value to me than helping somebody go through an experience that makes them happy, confident, and strong. I realize how being unhealthy affects many aspects of your life, and I want to be there for you and help you discover the benefits and joys of training that helped me become the person I am today. I’m here to be your personal guide on every step of the journey.

If you are interested in getting started, you can sign up today. Yes, it takes motivation, determination, and consistency to succeed. Although it may not always be easy and you may face a few hurdles, you can be sure that you will eventually look at your body in a whole new light. You’ll not only look good but also feel better, happier, and more confident. All you have to do is take that first step on the journey to your new life.